About Us

The Rural Assist & Child Educare Foundation (Race Foundation), a map to lead, is an initiative to groom from rural areas poor children and nurture raw talents being rapidly sidelined by digital innovations in educare, provide succor to the needy, map out action plans for rural communities, and promote a give-back philosophy in the society.

Mission and Objectives

  • As an implementation of academic research on the screen interface, the Race Foundation aims to leverage screen technology to recruit, groom, and export rural talents by providing rural children an access to smart lab, learning, mentorship and entertainment as well as championing actions and development initiatives for host communities.
  • At the Race Foundation, we acknowledge the widening knowledge and technological-gaps between urban and rural areas as factors enabling multidimensional poverty among children in rural areas. However, we recognise the virtual power of the screen in simulating learning environments that utilise small spaces and a few experts to reach a large audience.
  • With a screen interface, we aim to narrow the growing gaps, blur rural-urban divides in learning, deactivate pipeline that fuels mental poverty, bring children in rural areas into the equations of digital know-how, provide for the vulnerable adults and the poor and take social and ecological actions that promote overall development of children, the needy and their communities.
  • Through our LEAD initiative, we employ multifaceted programs to discover, teach, train and export talents and skills thereby fostering literacy, cultivating creativity, promoting socio-ecological awareness that will build up strong individuals and grow vibrant communities.
We believe in fostering a culture of giving back, promoting sustainable growth and opportunities for underprivileged children. Join us as we work together to make a significant impact, guiding the future of our society through education and comprehensive community support.
Discover more about our programs and how you can be part of this transformative journey.

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